szenARCHio is an award winning Architecture practice based in Vienna
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Sofia Metro Station

Sofia, Bulgaria


The area of Druzhba, suburb of Sofia, can be observed as 2 densely populated areas, namely “Druzhba 1” and “Druzhba 2” which are separated by a large undeveloped area. According to the municipal urban development plan Druzhba should be revitalized through the design of the mentioned undeveloped area.


The metro station as intended by the Master Plan is  necessary to provide the connection to the city. The metro station plays an important role with respect to the implementation of new public spaces, functions and uses as defined by the Master Plan.


Urban Insertion / Concept


A functional surface for the metro station creates on the Street Level; a unique and natural way to deal with the urbanity along its length and surroundings. The exterior design of the metro station consisting of a continuous curved surface which simulates movement, creates spaces for different types of public use on the Street Level however this strategy of developing public used spaces has been extended to the adjacent green areas. Shaped and sized differently from the half cupolas the design can be clearly recognized by the pedestrians. The entrances which are located strategically to assure a functioning human flow lead directly to the Entrance Hall Level, a long and bright space naturally illuminated that offers some commercial facilities. The interior design provides wide spaces due to a construction which does not need any columns and is self-supporting. This self-supporting construction is ensured by curved walls, arcs and half cupolas of ceiling.




Ventilation and natural light is provided through the sides to the Entrance Hall Level but also Platform Level empowering the interior/exterior relation. Due to this relation the underground levels are naturally illuminated during the day, generating a bright atmosphere in every space, breaking down the idea of an usually dark and cold metro station, whereas during the night the metro station illuminates the exterior public spaces trough the same copulas with artificial light creating an interesting scenario for the street.


Metro Station 20
Sofia, Bulgaria
Sofia Capital Municipality
Bruno Mock, Antonio Neves, Döne Yalçın, Dragomir Portev
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